Carlos Bermejo Barbanoj


Mechanical Engineering Department. Campus Río Ebro – Edificio Betancourt

María de Luna, S/N

50018 – Zaragoza (Spain)

e-mail: cbbarbanoj(at)

Twitter: @cberbarbanoj

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  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering (2021 – On going)
  • M.Sc in Biomedical Engineering (2019 – 2021)
    • Project Title: “IORT: Obtaining a 3D model of the surgical bed in sarcomas for dose measurement using radio chromic film and treatment simulation”
    • Advisors:
      • Dr. David González Ibáñez
      • Dr. Alberto Badías Herbera
  • B. Sc in Mechanical Engineering (2014 – 2019)
    • Project Title: “Design and comparative analysis of two kind of reducers for a turboprop’s application”
    • Advisor:
      • Dr. Paula Canalís Martínez


  • Computational Mechanics
  • Real Time Mechanical Simulations
  • Model Order Reduction
  • Data-driven modeling
  • Physically-consistent Neural Networks
  • Scientific Machine Learning
  • Structure-Preserving Neural Networks


  • Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics. July 2023. CISM – International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy.



  1. IORT: Obtención de un modelo 3D del lecho quirúrgico en sarcomas para simulación del tratamiento y medida de dosis con película radiocrómica. VII Congreso Conjunto SEFM – SEPR. Oral Communication. May 2021. ONLINE.
  2. Estimating the Flow around Simple Obstacles using Convolutional Neural Networks. Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2022. Oral Communication. September 2022. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
  3. A Thermodynamics-Informed Deep Learning Framework for Resolution Augmentation. Conference Math 2 Product – M2P 2023. Oral Communication. May-June 2023. Taormina, Italy.
  4. A Thermodynamics-Informed Deep Learning Framework for Turbulent Flow Estimation. ECCOMAS 7th Young Investigators Conference – YIC 2023. Oral Communication. June 2023. Oporto, Portugal.
  5. Thermodynamics-informed neural networks for super-resolution of fluid-dynamics problems. 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics – WCCM-PANACM VANCOUVER 2024. Oral Communication. July 2024. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


  1. IORT: Treatment planning System with 3D smartphone imaging in the operating theatre. XXI Congreso SEOR (Sociedad Española de Oncología Radioterápica). E-Poster. September 2022. Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  2. Learning the Flow around Arbitrary Obstacles by Convolutional Autoencoders. IUTAM Symposium on Data-Driven Mechanics and Surrogate Modeling. October 2022. Art et Métiers Institute of Technology, Paris, France.
  3. Superresolución con redes neuronales informadas por la termodinámica en problemas fluidodinámicos. IV Jornadas del I3A – XII Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras. June 2023. Zaragoza, Spain.
  4. Super-Resolution of Fluid-Dynamics Problems by Thermodynamics-Informed Deep Learning. 6th International Workshop on Model Reduced Techniques – MORTech 2023. November 2023. ENS Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.


Orcid Number: 0000-0001-8933-6587

  • Lozares, S., Bermejo-Barbanoj, C., Badías, A., Ibáñez, R., Ligorred, L., Ponce, J.M., González, V., Gandía, A., Font, J.A., Blas, O., González, D. An open-source development based on photogrammetry for a real-time IORT treatment planning system (2023). Physica Medica, 112,  102622.
  • Bermejo-Barbanoj, C., Moya, B., Badías, A., Chinesta, F., Cueto, E. . Thermodynamics-informed super-resolution of scarce temporal dynamics data. (2024). Computer Methods in Applied Mathematics and Engineering, vol. 430. Available in Arxiv: