Estefania Peña. Publications


  • Patient-specific Computational Modeling. B. Calvo, E. Peña (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics 5. Springer. ISBN: 978-94-007-4551-3. 2012

Book chapters

  • Myriam Cilla, Javier Martínez, Miguel-Angel Martinez, Estefania Peña. Deep learning applied to
    detection of the vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque. In Digital Human Modeling and Medicine. The Digital Twin, Gunther Paul,  Mohamed Hamdy Doweidar (Eds.) Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-823913-1. Chapter 3, 63-105, 2023.
  • Estefania Peña, Myriam Cilla, Alvaro T. Latorreal, Miguel-Angel Martinez, Armida Gomez, Roderic I Pettigrew, Gerard Finet, Jacques Ohayon. Emergent biomechanical factors predicting vulnerable coronary atherosclerotic plaque rupture. In Biomechanics of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque, Jacques Ohayon Gerard Finet Roderic Pettigrew (Eds.) Elsevier. ISBN 9780323859332. Chapter 16, 367-388, 2020.
  • Myriam Cilla, Estefania Peña, Miguel-Angel Martinez. Atheromatous plaque initiation and growth: a multiphysical process explored by an in-silico mass transport model. In Biomechanics of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque, Jacques Ohayon Gerard Finet Roderic Pettigrew (Eds.) Elsevier. ISBN 9780323859332. Chapter 15, 341-366, 2020.
  • E. Peña, A. García, P. Sáez, Juan A. Peña, M. Cilla and M.A. Martínez. Mechanical and Microstructural Behavior of Vascular Tissue. Advances in Biomechanics and Tissue Regeneration, Mohamed Hamdy Doweidar (Ed.) Elsevier. ISBN 9780128163900. Chapter 4, 63-78, 2019.
  • Mauro Malvè, Myriam Cilla, Estefanía Peña, Miguel A. Martínez. Impact of the Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling on the Human Vessel Hemodynamics. Advances in Biomechanics and Tissue Regeneration, Mohamed Hamdy Doweidar (Ed.) Elsevier. ISBN 9780128163900. Chapter 5, 79-93, 2019.
  • E. Peña, B. Hernández-Gascón, B. Calvo. Human Abdomen: Mechanical Modeling and Clinical Applications. Biomechanics of Living Organs, Payan, Y., Ohayon, J. (Eds.) Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-804009-6. Chapter 12, 267-286, 2017.
  • On the numerical microstructural modeling of vascular tissues. E. Peña. Computational and Experimental Biomedical Sciences: Methods and Applications. Tavares, Joao M, Natal Jorge, R.M. (Eds.) Series Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics 15. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015. ISBN:978-3-319-15798-6. pp: 19-47.
  • Can Numerical Modelling Help Surgeons in Abdominal Hernia Surgery?.. B. Hernández-Gascón, J. Grasa, E. Peña, B. Calvo, G. Pascual, J.M. Bellón. Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images III: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications. Di Giamberardino, P., Iacoviello, D., Natal Jorge, R ., Tavares, J.M.R.S. (Eds.) Series Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics 15. Springer International Publication AG, Cham, 2014. ISBN 978-3-319-04039-4. pp: 167-185
  • Fundamental aspects in modeling the constitutive behaviour of fibered soft tissues. B. Calvo, E. Peña.  Advances in Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering. Vazquez Cendon, Carlos; Coquel, Frederic; Parés, Carlos (Eds.). Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-02838-5. pp: 3-49, 2014
  • Constitutive modelling of materials. M. Doblaré, E. Peña, J.F. Rodríguez. In Vol 6: Physical Sciences, Engineering And Technology. Encyclopedia Of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). UNESCO. ISBN: 978-1-84826-822-7. pp: 246-343, 2012
  • 3D computational modeling of the human knee in physiological state. M.H. Doweidar, R. Muñoz, E. Peña, B. Calvo and M. Doblaré. In Knee Joints: Kinematics, Injury Types and Treatment Options. Nova Science Publishers, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61942-268-1. 2011
  • On modelling soft biological tissues with the natural element method. M. Doblaré, B. Calvo, M.A. Martínez, E. Peña, A. Pérez del Palomar, J.F. Rodríguez. In Biomechanics Systems. Imperial College & World Scientific. ISBN: 978-981-270-798-7. pp: 10-45, 2007
  • Simulación numérica de la cirugía de incisiones relajantes sobre la córnea humana. B. Calvo, E. Peña, V. Alastrué, E. Lanchares. In Corrección astigmatismo. Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ocular Implanto-Refractiva, Ed. In Spanish. ISBN: 84-9331-144-4-7, pp. 241-250, 2006.
  • An analysis of the performance of meshless methods in Biomechanics. M. Doblare, E. Cueto, B. Calvo, M. A. Martinez, J. M. Garcia, E. Peña. In Computational Bioengineering: current trends and applications. M. Cerrolaza, G. Martinez, M. Doblare and B. Calvo, eds. World Scientific Publishing Co. ISBN: 1-86094-465-5. pp: 69-100, 2004

Refereed Journal Publications:

In press

  • A. T. Latorre,  A. Guala, L. Dux-Santoy, G.Teixid´o-Tura, J.F. Rodriguez-Palomares,  M.A. Martínez, E. Peña. Estimating Non-Linear Anisotropic Properties of Healthy and Aneurysm Ascending Aortas Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.  Biomech Model Mechanob, In press: – (2024).
  • G. Caruso, M.A. Martínez, E. Peña. Impact of Mechanical Properties of Aneurysms and Intraluminal Thrombus on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm aoutcomes. Meccanica, In press: – (2025).
  • N. Laita, M.A. Martínez, M. Doblaré, E. Peña. On the myocardium modeling under multimodal deformations: A comparison between Costa’s, Holzapfel and Ogden’s formulations. Meccanica, In press: – (2025).
  • R. Caballero, M.A. Martínez, M. Doblaré, E. Peña. Fully Coupled Hybrid In-Silico Modeling of Atherosclerosis: A Multi-Scale Approach Integrating CFD, Transport Phenomena, and Agent-Based Modeling.  Front Bioeng Biotechnol, In press: – (2025).
  • Olalla Iglesias-García, María Flandes-Iparraguirre, Pilar Montero-Calle, Ricardo M. Rosales, Andrea Sánchez Bueno, Eduardo Larequi, Ilazki Anaut, Nicolás Laita, Aida Oliván-Viguera, Xabier L. Aranguren, Manuel García de Yébenes, Juan José Gavira, Miguel Ángel Martínez, Estefanía Peña, Manuel Doblaré, Elena de Juan Pardo, Esther Pueyo, Felipe Prosper, Manuel M. Mazo . Biologically-inspired melt electrowriting for the generation of highly biomimetic functional myocardium. Advanced Functional Materials. In press: – (2025).


  • I.  Ríos-Ruiz, M.A. Martínez, E. Peña. What about the mechanical behaviour and modelling of arteries in radial direction?  J Biomech, 182: 112500 (1-8) (2025).
  • A.  Aparici-Gil,  M.M. Pérez, E. Peña. Exploring Mechanical Damage in Fascia: Experiments and Advanced Constitutive Modeling Approaches.  Mech Mat, 202: 105239 (1-13) (2025).


  • Nicolás Laita, Ricardo M. Rosales, Ming Wu, Piet Claus, Stefan Janssens, Miguel Ángel Martínez, Manuel Doblaré, Estefanía Peña. On modelling the in vivo ventricular passive mechanical behavior from in vitro experimental properties in porcine hearts. Comp & Struct 292: 107241 (2024).
  • Patricia Hernández-López, Myriam Cilla, Miguel A. Martínez, Estefanía Peña, Mauro Malvè. Impact of Geometric and Hemodynamic Changes on a Mechanobiological Model of Atherosclerosis. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 254: 108296 (2024).
  • Patricia Hernández-López, Nicolas Laita, Myriam Cilla, Miguel A. Martínez, Estefanía Peña.  Impact of hypertension and arterial wall expansion on transport properties and atherosclerosis progression. J Biomech 174: 112212 (2024)
  • Nicolás Laita, Alejandro Aparici-Gil, Aida Oliván-Viguera, Alba Pérez-Martínez, Miguel Ángel Martínez, Manuel Doblaré, Estefanía Peña. A comprehensive experimental analysis of the local passive response across the healthy porcine left ventricle. Acta Biomat 187: 261-277 (2024).


  • A. T. Latorre, M. A. Martínez, E. Peña. Characterizing Atherosclerotic Tissues: In silico Analysis of Mechanical Properties using Intravascular Ultrasound and Inverse Finite Element Methods. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 13: 1304278 (2023).
  • Emanuele Vignali, Estefania Peña, Miquel Aguirre and Simona CelI. New Experimental and Numerical Insights on Cardiovascular Biomechanics through In-vivo and Ex-vivo Methods. Front. Physiol 14:1271692 (2023).
  • Iñigo Perez-Estenaga, Merari Tumin Chevalier, Estefania Peña, Gloria Abizanda, Amir M. Alsharabasy, Eduardo Larequi, Myriam Cilla, Marta M. Perez, Jon Gurtubay, Manuel Garcia-Yebenes Castro, Felipe Prosper, Abhay Pandit and Beatriz Pelacho . A Multimodal Scaffold for SDF1 Delivery Improves Cardiac Function in a Rat Subacute Myocardial Infarct Model. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces  15(44):50638-50651 (2023).
  • P. Hernández-López , M. A. Martínez, E. Peña, M. Cilla . Understanding the parameter influence on lesion growth for a mechanobiology model of atherosclerosis. Mathematics 11: 829 (2023).
  • R. Caballero-Masa, E Peña, M.A. Martínez. Coronary Artery Properties in Atherosclerosis: A Deep Learning Predictive Model. Front. Physiol 14:1162436 (2023).
  • Bradley S. Henderson, Katelyn F. Cudworth, Estefania Peña, Trevor J. Lujan. Modeling Fatigue Failure in Soft Tissue using a Visco-Hyperelastic Model with Discontinuous Damage. J Mech Behav Biomed114: 105968 (2023).


  • I Perez-Estenaga, MT Chevalier, E Pena, G Abizanda, E Larequi, M Cilla, M Perez, F Prosper, A Pandit, B Beatriz Pelacho. A multimodal scaffold for tissue integration and SDF-1 delivery improves cardiac function in a rat model of subacute myocardial infarction.  European Journal of Heart Failure. 24: 43-44, 2022
  • Muñoz, AR; Guala, A; Cilla, M; Martinez, M; Dux-Santoy, L; Teixido-Tura, G; Garrido-Oliver, J; Galian, L; Sao-Aviles, A; Evangelista, A; Ferreira-Gonzalez, I; Peña, E; Rodriguez-Palomares, J. Aortic stiffness descriptors by cardiac magnetic resonance are correlated with mechanical testing of ex-vivo aortic aneurysms specimens. Circ Res. 118 – Sup_2, 2022
  • I. Ríos-Ruiz, M.A. Martínez, E. Peña. Is location a significant parameter in the layer dependent dissection properties of the aorta? Biomech Model Mechanob 21:1887–1901 (2022).
  • A. T. Latorre, M. A. Martínez, M. Cilla , J. Ohayon, E. Peña. Atherosclerotic Plaque Segmentation Based on Strain Gradients: A Theoretical Framework. Mathematics  10: 4020 (2022).
  • P. Montero-Calle, M. Flandes-Iparraguirre, K. Mountris, A. S. de la Nava, N. Laita, R. M. Rosales, O. Iglesias-García, E. de Juan Pardo, F. Atienza, M. E. Fernández-Santos, E. Peña, M. Doblaré, J. J. Gavira, . Fernández-Avilés, F. Prósper, E. Pueyo, M. M. Mazo. Fabrication of human myocardium using multidimensional modelling of engineered tissues. Biofabrication 14: 045017 (2022).
  • J. Escuer, A. Fensterseifer-Schmidt, E. Peña, M. A.Martínez, S. McGinty. Mathematical modelling of endovascular drug delivery: balloons versus stents. Int J Pharm 620: 121742 (2022).
  • J.A. Peña, M. Cilla, M.A. Martínez, E. Peña. Biomechanical characterization and constitutive modeling of the layer-dissected residual strains and mechanical properties of abdominal porcine aorta. J Biomech 132: 110909 (2022).
  • S. Benito‑Martínez, M. Rodríguez, F. García‑Moreno, B. Pérez‑Köhler, E. Peña, · B. Calvo, · G. Pascual, J. Manuel Bellón. Self‑adhesive hydrogel meshes reduce tissue incorporation and mechanical behavior versus microgrips self‑fixation: a preclinical study. Hernia 26: 543–555 (2022).
  • Z Li, Y Liu, E Peña, D Valdez-Jasso, D Tang. Computational Biomechanics of the Heart and Vasculature With Potential Clinical and Surgical Applications. Front. Physiol. 13: 872774


  • I. Ríos-Ruiz, M. Cilla, M.A. Martínez, E. Peña. Methodology to Calibrate the Dissection Properties of Aorta Layers from Two Sets of Experimental Measurements. Mathematics  9: 1593 (2021).
  • P. Hernández-López, M Cilla, M. A. Martínez, E. Peña. Effects of the haemodynamic stimulus on the location of carotid plaques based on a patient-specific mechanobiological plaque atheroma formation model. Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 9: 690685 (2021).
  • C. Díaz, J. A. Peña, M. A. Martínez, E. Peña. Unraveling the multilayer mechanical response of aorta using layer-specific residual stresses and experimental properties.  J Mech Behav Biomed, 113: 104070 (2021).
  • J. Escuer,  I. Aznar,  C. McCormick,  E. Peña,  S. McGinty,  M.A. Martínez. Influence of Vessel Curvature and Plaque Composition on Drug Transport in the Arterial Wall following Drug-eluting Stent Implantation.  Biomech Model Mechanob, 20: 767-786 (2021).


  • S. Puértolas, E. Peña, A. Herrera, E. Ibarz, L. Gracia. A comparative study of hyperelastic constitutive models for colonic tissue fitted to multiaxial experimental testing.  J Mech Behav Biomed, 102: 103507 (2020).
  • M. Cilla, A. V. Corral, J.A. Peña, E. Peña. Analysis of the accuracy on computing nominal stress in a biaxial test for arteries. Strain, 56: e12331 (2020).
  • J. Escuer, M. Cebollero, E. Peña, S. McGinty, M. A. Martíinez. How Does Stent Expansion Alter Drug Transport Properties of the ArterialWall? J Mech Behav Biomed, 104: 103610 (2020).
  • M. Cilla, M. Casales, E. Peña, M. A. Martínez, M. Malvè. A Parametric model for studying the aorta hemodynamics by means of the Computational Fluid Dynamics. J Biomech, 103: 109691 1-12 (2020).


  • J. Escuer, M.A. Martínez, S. McGinty, E. Peña. Mathematical modelling of the restenosis process after stent implantation. J R Soc Interface 16: 20190313 (2019).
  • J. A. Peña, M. A. Martínez, E. Peña. Failure damage mechanical properties of thoracic and abdominal porcine aorta layers and related constitutive modeling: Phenomenological and microstructural approach. Biomech Model Mechanob, 18: 1709–1730 (2019).


  • J. A. Peña, V. Corral, M. A. Martínez, E. Peña. Over length quantification of the multiaxial mechanical properties of the ascending, descending and abdominal aorta using Digital Image Correlation. J Mech Behav Biomed, 77: 434-445 (2018).
  • A. Pérez-Andrés, E. Peña. Calibration of interface properties and application to a finite element model for predicting vena cava filter induced vein wall failure. Int J Numer Meth Bio, 10: e3098 (2018).
  • M. Cilla, I. Pérez-Rey, M.A. Martínez, E. Peña, J. Martínez. On the Use of Machine Learning Techniques for the Mechanical Characterization of Soft Biological Tissues. Int J Numer Meth Bio, 10: e3121 (2018).


  • M. Nicolás, B. Lucea, A. Laborda, E. Peña, M. A. De Gregorio, M. A. Martínez, M. Malvè. : Influence of a commercial antithrombotic filter on the caval blood flow during neutra and Valsalva manoeuvre. J Med Devices, 11: 031002-1-11 (2017).
  • M. Latorre, E. Peña, FJ Montans. Determination and Finite Element Validation of the WYPIWYG Strain Energy of Superficial Fascia from Experimental Data. Ann Biomed Eng, 45: 799-810 (2017)
  • A. Ortillés, G. Pascual, E. Peña, M. Rodríguez, B. Pérez-Köhler, C. Mesa-Ciller, B. Calvo, J.M. Bellón. Biomechanical and histologic evaluation of two application forms of surgical glue for mesh fixation to the abdominal wall. J Mech Behav Biomed, 75: 434-441 (2017)


  • R. Simón-Allué, B. Hernández-Gascón, J. Leoty, J.M. Bellón, E. Peña, B. Calvo. Prostheses size dependency of the mechanical response of the herniated human abdomen. Hernia, 20:839–848 (2016).
  • B. Calvo, G. Pascual, E. Peña, B. Pérez-Khöler, M. Rodríguez, J.M. Bellón. Biomechanical and morphological study of a new elastic mesh (Ciberlastic) to repair abdominal wall defects. J Mech Behav Biomed, 59: 366-378 (2016).
  • P. Sáez, A. García, E. Peña, T. C. Gasser, M. A. Martínez. Microstructural quantification of collagen fiber orientations and its integration in constitutive modeling of the porcine carotid artery. Acta Biomater, 33: 183-193 (2016).
  • D. Ruiz-Alejos, J. A. Peña, M. M. Pérez and E. Peña. Experiments and Constitutive Model for Deep and Superficial Fascia. Digital Image Correlation and Finite Element Validation. Strain, 52: 436-445 (2016).
  • T. Waffenschmidt, M. Cilla, P. Sáez, M. M. Pérez, M.A. Martínez, A. Menzel, E. Peña. Towards the modelling of ageing and atherosclerosis effects in ApoE-/- mice aortic tissue. J Biomech, 49: 2390-2397 (2016).
  • A. Cordero, B. Hernández-Gascón, G. Pascual, J.M. Bellón, B. Calvo, E. Peña. Biaxial mechanical evaluation of absorbable and nonabsorbable synthetic surgical meshes used for hernia repair. Physiological loads modify anisotropy response. Ann Biomed Eng, 44: 2181-2188 (2016).
  • Q. Hernández, E. Peña. Failure properties of vena cava tissue due to deep penetration during filter insertion. Biomech Model Mechanob, 15: 845-856 (2016).
  • A. D. Orsi, S. Chakravarthy, . K. Canavan, E. Peña, R. Goebeld, A. Vaziria, H. Nayeb-Hashemi. The effects of knee joint kinematics on anterior cruciate ligament injury and articular cartilage damage. Comput Method Biomech, 19: 493-506 (2016).
  • J. Chaure, C. Serrano, R. Fernández-Parra, E. Peña, F. Lostalé,, M.A. De Gregorio, M.A. Martíez, M. Malvè. On studying the interaction between different stent models and rabbit tracheal tissue: numerical, endoscopic and histological comparison. Ann Biomed Eng, 44: 368-381 (2016).
  • M. Cilla, M.M. Pérez, E. Peña, M.A. Martínez. Effect of diet and age on arterial stiffening due to atherosclerosis in ApoE-/- mice. Ann Biomed Eng, 44: 2202-2217 (2016).


  • M. Nicolas, E. Pena, M. Malve, M.A. Martínez. Mathematical modeling of the fibrosis process in the implantation of inferior vena cava filters. J Theor Biol, 387: 228-240 (2015).
  • M. Cilla, I. Borrás, E. Peña, M.A. Martínez, M. Malve. A Parametric Model for Analysing Atherosclerotic Arteries: on the FSI coupling. Int Commun Heat Mass Transfer, 67: 29-38 (2015).
  • M. Cilla, M.A. Martínez, E. Peña. Effect of transmural transport properties on atheroma plaque formation and development. Ann Biomed Eng, 43: 1516-1530 (2015).
  • E. Peña, G.A Holzapfel. Coupled Models for Soft Biological Tissue Disorders. Ann Biomed Eng, 43: 1475-1476 (2015).
  • J. A. Peña, M. A. Martínez, E. Peña. Layer-specific residual deformations and uniaxial and biaxial mechanical properties of thoracic porcine aorta. J Mech Behav Biomed, 50: 55-69 (2015).
  • P. Saez, E. Pena, J. M. Tarbell, M.A. Martinez. Computational model of collagen turnover in carotid arteries during hypertension. Int J Numer Meth Bio, 31: e02705 (2015).
  • M. Nicolas, M. Malve, E. Pena, M.A. Martinez, R. Leask. In vitro comparison of Günther Tulip and Celect filters. Testing filtering efficiency and pressure drop. J Biomech, 48: 504-5115 (2015).
  • M. Nicolas, V. Palero, E. Peña, M. P. Arroyo, M. A. Martínez, M. Malve. Numerical and Experimental Study of the Fluid Flow Through a Medical Device. Int Commun Heat Mass Transfer, 61: 170-178 (2015).
  • G. Pascual, B- Hernández-Gascón, E. Peña, S. Sotomayor, B. Calvo, J.M. Bellón. Abdominal wall tissue regeneration after the implant of a new macroporous surgical mesh composed of non-expanded polytetrafluoroethylene. Rev Hispanoam Hernia, 3: 17-25 (2015).


  • R. Simón-Allué, P. Pérez-López, S. Sotomayor, E. Peña, G. Pascual, J.M. Bellón, B. Calvo. Short- and long-term biomechanical and morphological study of new suture types in abdominal wall closure. J Mech Behav Biomed, 37: 1-11 (2014).
  • P. Sáez, E. Peña, M. A. Martínez, E. Kuhl. Computational modeling of hypertensive growth in the human carotid artery. Comp Mech, 53: 1183-1196 (2014).
  • J. Bellon, P. Pérez-López, R. Simón-Allue, S. Sotomayor, B. Pérez-Köhler, E. Peña, G. Pascual, B. Calvo. Short- and long-term biomechanical and morphological study of new suture types in abdominal wall closure. BMC Surgery Journal, 14:70 1-11 (2014).
  • B. Calvo, M. Sierra, J. Grasa, M.J. Muñoz, E. Peña. Determination of passive viscoelastic response of the abdominal muscle and related constitutive modeling: Stress-relaxation behavior. J Mech Behav Biomed, 36: 47-58 (2014).
  • P. Sáez, E. Peña, M.A. Martínez. A structural approach including the behavior of collagen crosslinks to model patient specific human carotid arteries. Ann Biomed Eng, 42: 1158-1169 (2014).
  • B. Hernández-Gascón, N. Espés, E. Peña, G. Pascual, J.M. Bellón, B. Calvo. Computational framework to model and design surgical meshes for hernia repair. Comput Method Biomech, 17: 1071-1085 (2014).
  • R. Simón-Allué, A. Cordero, E. Peña. Unraveling the effect of boundary conditions and strain monitoring on estimation of the constitutive parameters of elastic membranes by biaxial tests. Mech Res Commun, 57: 82-89 (2014).
  • M. Malvè, C. Serrano, E. Peña, R. Fernández-Parra, F. Lostalé, M.A. De Gregorio, M.A. Martínez. Modelling the air mass transfer in a healthy and a stented rabbit trachea: CT-images, computer simulations and experimental study. Int Commun Heat Mass Transfer, 53: 1-8 (2014).
  • E. Peña. Computational aspects of the numerical modelling of softening, damage and permanent set in soft biological tissues. Comp & Struct, 130: 57-72 (2014).
  • M. Araña, J. J. Gavira, E. Peña, A. González, G. Abizanda, M. Cilla, M. M. Pérez, E. Albiasu, N. Aguado, M. Casado, S. González, M. Soriano, C. Moreno, J. Merino, J. M. García Verdugo, J. Diez, M. Doblaré, B. Pelacho, F. Prosper. Efficacy of epicardial delivery of collagen patches with adipose-derived stem cells in rat and pig models of chronic myocardial infarction. Biomaterials, 43: 143-141 (2014).
  • M. Cilla, E. Peña, M.A. Martinez. Mathematical modeling of atheroma plaque formation and development in coronary arteries. J R Soc Interface, 11: 90 20130866 1-17 (2014).


  • P. Sáez, E. Peña, M. A. Martínez, E. Kuhl. Mathematical modeling of collagen turnover in biological tissue. J Math Biol, 67: 1765-1793 (2013).
  • P. Sáez, E. Peña, M. Doblaré, M.A. Martínez. Hierarchical micro-adaptation of biological structures by mechanical stimuli. Int J Solids Struct, 50: 2353-2370 (2013).
  • B. Hernández-Gascón, E. Peña, J. Grasa, G. Pascual, J.M. Bellón, B. Calvo. Mechanical response of the herniated human abdomen to the placement of different prostheses. ASME J Biomech Eng, 135: 051004 (2013).
  • A. García, M.A. Martínez, E. Peña. Determination and modeling of the inelasticity over the length of the porcine carotid artery. ASME J Biomech Eng, 135: 031004 (2013).
  • M. Cilla, D. Monterde, E. Peña, M. A. Martínez. Does microcalcification increase the risk of rupture?. PI Mech Eng H, 227: 588-599 (2013).
  • M. Cilla, E. Peña, M. A. Martínez, D. J. Kelly. Comparison of the vulnerability risk for positive versus negative atheroma plaque morphology. J Biomech, 46: 1248-1254 (2013).
  • G. Pascual, B. Hernández-Gascón, S. Sotomayor, E. Peña, B. Calvo, J. Buján, J.M. Bellón. Short-Term Behavior of Different Polymer Structure Lightweight Meshes Used To Repair Abdominal Wall Defects. Histol Histopathol, 28: 611-621 (2013).
  • M. Araña, E. Peña, G. Abizanda, M. Cilla, I. Ochoa, J. J. Gavira, G. Espinosa, M. Doblaré, B. Pelacho, F. Prosper. Preparation and characterization of ADSC-cellularized patches for cardiovascular application. Acta Biomat, 9: 6075-6083 (2013).
  • B. Hernández-Gascón, A. Mena, E. Peña, G. Pascual, J.M. Bellón, B. Calvo. Understanding the passive mechanical behavior of the human abdominal wall. Ann Biomed Eng, 41:433-444 (2013).


  • G. Pascual, B. Hernández-Gascón, M. Rodríguez, S. Sotomayor, E. Peña, B. Calvo, J. M. Bellón. The long term behavior of lightweight and heavyweight meshes used to repair abdominal wall defects is determined by the host tissue repair process provoked by the mesh. Surgery, 152: 886-895 (2012).
  • M. Cilla, E. Peña, M.A. Martínez. 3D computational parametric analysis of eccentric atheroma plaque. Influence of axial and circumferential residual stresses. Biomech Model Mechanob, 7: 1001-1013 (2012).
  • A. García, S. Lerga, E. Peña, M. Malve, A. Laborda, M. A. De Gregorio, M. A. Martínez. Evaluation of migration forces of a retrievable filter: Experimental setup and finite element study. Med & Eng Phys, 34: 1167-1176 (2012).
  • A. García, M.A. Martínez, E. Peña. Viscoelastic properties of the passive mechanical behavior of the porcine carotid artery: Influence of proximal and distal positions. Biorheology, 49: 271-288 (2012).
  • P. Sáez, V. Alastrué, E. Peña, M. Doblaré, M.A. Martínez. Anisotropic microspherebased approach to damage in soft fibered tissue. Biomech Model Mechanob, 11: 595-608 (2012).
  • M. Cilla, J. Martínez, E. Peña, M.A. Martínez. Machine Learning Techniques as a helpful tool towards determination of plaque vulnerability. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 59: 1155-1161 (2012).
  • A. García, E. Peña, M.A. Martínez. Influence of geometrical parameters on radial force during self-expanding stent deployment. Application for a variable radial stiffness stent. J Mech Behav Biomed, 10: 166-175 (2012).
  • P. Martins, E. Peña, R.M. Natal Jorge, A. Santos, L. Santos. Mascarenhas, B. Calvo. Mechanical characterization and constitutive modelling of the damage process in rectus sheath. J Mech Behav Biomed, 8: 111-122 (2012).
  • B. Hernández-Gascón, E. Peña, G. Pascual, M. Rodríguez, J.M. Bellón, B. Calvo. Long-term anisotropic mechanical response of surgical meshes used to repair abdominal wall defects. J Mech Behav Biomed, 5: 257-271 (2012).


  • P. Sáez, E. Peña, M. Doblaré, M.A. Martínez. An anisotropic micro-sphere-based approach for fiber orientation adaptation in soft tissue. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 58: 3500-3503 (2011).
  • E. Peña. Damage functions of the internal variables for soft biological fibred tissue. Mech Res Commun, 38: 610-615 (2011).
  • B. Hernández-Gascón, E. Peña, H. Melero,G. Pascual, M. Doblaré, M. P. Ginebra, J.M. Bellón, B. Calvo. Mechanical behaviour of synthetic surgical meshes. Finite element simulation of the herniated abdominal wall. Acta Biomat 7: 3905-3913 (2011).
  • E. Peña. A rate dependent directional damage model for fibred materials. Application to soft biological tissues. Comp Mech 48: 407-420 (2011).
  • E. Peña. A Prediction of the softening and damage effects with permanent set in fibrous biological materials. J Mech Phys Solids, 59: 1808-1822 (2011).
  • A. García, E. Peña, A. Laborda, F. Lostalé, M. A. De Gregorio, M. Doblaré, M. A. Martínez. Experimental study and constitutive modelling of the passive mechanical properties of the porcine carotid artery and its relation to histological analysis. Implications in animal cardiovascular device trials. Med & Eng Phys, 33: 665-676 (2011).
  • B. Hernández, E. Peña, G. Pascual, M. Rodríguez, B. Calvo,M. Doblaré , J.M. Bellón. Mechanical and histological characterization of the abdominal muscle. A previous step to modelling hernia surgery. J Mech Behav Biomed, 4: 392-404 (2011).
  • E. Peña, P. Martins, T. Mascarenhas, R.M. Natal Jorge, A. Ferreira, M. Doblaré, B. Calvo. Mechanical characterization of the softening behavior of human vaginal tissue. J Mech Behav Biomed, 4:275-283 (2011).
  • I Ochoa, E. Peña, E. J. Andreu, M. Pérez-Ilzarbe, J. E. Robles, C. Alcaine, T. López, F. Prósper, M. Doblaré. Mechanical properties of cross-linked collagen meshes after human Adipose Derived Stromal Cells (ADSC) seeding. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 96A: 341-348 (2011).
  • J.A. Peña, M.A. Martínez, E. Peña. A formulation to model the nonlinear viscoelastic properties of the vascular tissue. Acta Mechanica, 217: 63-74 (2011).


  • E. Peña, P. Tracqui, A. Azancot, M. Doblare, J. Ohayon. Unraveling Changes in Myocardial Contractility during Human Fetal Growth: A Finite Element Analysis Based on in vivo Ultrasound Measurements. Ann Biomed Eng, 38: 2702-2715 (2010).
  • E. Peña, J. Ohayon, Y. Usson, A. Azancot, M. Doblaré. Finite Element Study of the Fetal Heart Biomechanics During Cardiac Cycle. Rev Int Met Num Calc Dis Ing, 26: 109-119 (2010).
  • P. Martins, E. Peña, B. Calvo, M. Doblaré, T. Mascarenhas, R.M. Natal Jorge, A. Ferreira. Prediction of nonlinear elastic behavior of vaginal tissue: Experimental results and model formulation. Comput Method Biomech, 13: 337-347 (2010).
  • E. Peña, V. Alastrué, A. Laborda, M.A. Martínez, M. Doblaré. A constitutive formulation of vessel mechanics including viscoelasticity and softening behaviour. J Biomech, 43: 984-989 (2010).
  • E. Peña, B. Calvo, M.A. Martínez, P. Martins, T. Mascarenhas, R.M.N. Jorge, A. Ferreira, M. Doblaré. Experimental study and constitutive modeling of the viscoelastic mechanical properties of the human prolapsed vaginal tissue. Biomech Model Mechanob, 9: 35-49 (2010)
  • V. Alastrué, A. García, E. Peña, J.F. Rodríguez, M. A. Martínez and M. Doblaré. Numerical Framework for Patient-specific Computational Modelling of Vascular Tissues. Int J Numer Meth Biom Eng, 26: 35-51 (2010)


  • L.A. Gracia, E. Peña, J.M. Royo, J.L. Pelegay, B. Calvo. A comparison between pseudo-elastic and damage models for modelling Mullins effect in rubber industrial components. Mech Res Commun, 36: 769-776 (2009).
  • E. Peña, M. Doblaré. An anisotropic pseudo-elastic approach for modelling Mullins effect in fibred biological materials. Mech Res Commun, 36: 784-790 (2009)
  • E. Peña, J.A. Peña, M. Doblaré. On the Mullins effect and hysteresis of fibred biological materials: A comparison between continuous and discontinuous damage models. Int J Solids Struct, 46: 1727-1735 (2009)
  • B. Calvo, E. Peña, P. Martins, T. Mascarenhas, M. Doblaré, R.M. Natal Jorge, A. Ferreira. On modelling damage process in vaginal tissue. J Biomech, 42: 642-651 (2009)


  • V. Alastrué, E. Peña, M.A. Martínez, M. Doblaré. Experimental study and constitutive modelling of the passive mechanical properties of the ovine infrarenal vena cava tissue. J Biomech, 41: 3038-3045 (2008)
  • E. Peña, J.A. Peña, M. Doblaré. On modelling nonlinear viscoelastic effects in ligaments. J Biomech, 41: 2659-2666 (2008)
  • E. Peña, M. A. Martínez, B. Calvo, M. Doblaré. Application of the Natural Element Method to Finite Deformation Inelastic Problems in Isotropic and Fiber-Reinforced Biological Soft Tissues. Comput Meth Appl Mech Eng, 197: 1983-1993 (2008)
  • E. Peña, B. Calvo, M. A. Martínez, M. Doblaré. On finite strain damage of viscoelastic fibred materials. Application to soft biological tissues. Int J Numer Meth Engng, 74: 1198-1212 (2008)
  • E. Peña, B. Calvo, M. A. Martínez, M. Doblaré. Computer simulation of damage on distal femoral articular cartilage after meniscectomies. Comput Biol Medicine, 38: 69-81 (2008)
  • B. Calvo, E. Peña, M. A. Martínez, M. Doblaré. Computational modeling of ligaments at non-physiological situations. Int J Comput Vision Biomech IJV&B, 1: 107-115 (2008)


  • V. Alastrué, E. Peña, M. A. Martínez, M. Doblaré. Assessing the use of the opening angle method to enforce residual stresses in patient-specific arteries. Ann Biomed Eng, 35: 1821-1837 (2007)
  • E. Peña, A. Pérez del Palomar, B. Calvo, M. A. Martínez, M. Doblaré. Computational modelling of diarthrodial joints. Physiological, pathological and pos-surgery simulations. Arch Comput Methods Eng, 14: 47-91 (2007)
  • B. Calvo, E. Peña, M. A. Martínez, M. Doblaré. An Uncoupled Anisotropic Damage Model for Fibered Biological Soft Tissues. Formulation and Computational Aspects. Int J Numer Meth Engng, 69: 2036-2057 (2007)
  • E. Peña, B. Calvo, M. A. Martínez, M. Doblaré. Finite Element Simulation of the Effect of the Size and Location Osteochondral Defects in Degenerative Arthritis. Comput Biol Medicine, 37: 376-387 (2007)
  • E. Peña, B. Calvo, M. A. Martínez, M. Doblaré. An Anisotropic Visco-hyperelastic Model for Ligaments at Finite Strains: Formulation and Computational Aspects. Int J Solids Struct, 44: 760-778 (2007)


  • E. Peña, B. Calvo, M. Doblaré. Finite element analysis of the influence of joint ligaments prestrain in knee flexion. Rev Int Met Num Calc Dis Ing, 22(4): 409-425 (2006)
  • E. Peña, M.A. Martíınez, B. Calvo, M. Doblaré. On the Numerical Treatment of Initial Strains in Biological Soft tissues. Int J Numer Meth Engng, 68: 836-860 (2006)
  • E. Peña, B. Calvo, M.A. Martínez, M. Doblaré. A three-dimensional finite element analysis of the combined behavior of ligaments and menisci in the healthy human knee joint. J Biomech, 39(9): 1686-1701 (2006)
  • E. Peña, B. Calvo, M. A. Martínez, D. Palanaca, M. Doblaré. Influence of the Tunnel Angle in ACL Reconstructions on the Biomechanics of the Knee Joint. C Biomech, 21(5) 508-516 (2006)
  • E. Peña, B. Calvo, M. A. Martínez, D. Palanaca, M. Doblaré. Why Lateral Meniscectomy Is More Dangerous Than Medial Meniscectomy? A Finite Element Study. J Orthopaed Res, 24: 1001-1010 (2006)
  • E. Peña, B. Calvo, M. Doblaré. Biomechanics of human knee after ligament injuries. Rev Int Met Num Calc Dis Ing, 22(1): 63-78 (2006)
  • V. Alastrué, B. Calvo, E. Peña and M. Doblaré. Biomechanical modelling of refractive corneal surgery. ASME J Biomech Eng, 128(1): 150-160 (2006)


  • E. Peña, M.A. Martínez, B. Calvo, D. Palanca, M. Doblaré. A Finite Element Simulation of the Effect of Graft Stiffness and Graft Tensioning in ACL Reconstruction. C Biomech 20(6): 636-644 (2005)
  • E. Peña, B. Calvo, M.A. Martínez , D. Palanca, M. Doblaré. Finite Element Analysis of the Effect of Meniscal Tears and Meniscectomy on Human Knee Biomechanics. C Biomech 20(5): 498-507 (2005)


  • E. Peña, M.A. Martínez, B. Calvo, D. Palanca, M. Doblaré, F. Seral. Análisis Mediante Elementos Finitos del Efecto de las Roturas Meniscales. Rev Orthop Traum 48(4): 298-303 (2004).