Mechanical Engineering Dept. School of Engineering and Architecture Bioengineering Division. Aragón Institute of Engineering Research (I3A)
CIBER de Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN)
Campus Rio Ebro – Edificio Agustin de Betancourt
Maria de Luna, s/n
50018-Zaragoza (Spain)
Tel:: +34 876 55 52 52
Fax: +34 976 76 25 78
e-mail: miguelam (at)
- Ph. D. Mechanical Engineering (December – 1999) CPS Universidad de Zaragoza
- M. Sc. Mechanical Engineering (December – 1994) CPS Universidad de Zaragoza
- Professor, University of Zaragoza, from 2010
- Associate Professor, University of Zaragoza, 2003-2010
- Assistant Professor, University of Zaragoza, 1999-2003
- Lecturer Professor, University of Zaragoza, 1996-1999
- Research Assistant, CONSI+D Grant, Mechanical Engineering Dept, 1995-1996
- Research Assistant, Collaboration Grant, Mechanical Engineering Dept, 1994.
- CV resume [link]
Research Topics
- Computational Mechanics
- Numerical modeling of soft biological tissues (focused in vascular tissue)
- Multiscale modeling of inelastic effects of biological tissues (damage, viscoelasticity, growth and remodeling)
- Modeling vascular diseases and interaction with medical devices (atherosclerosis)
- Geometrically non-linear analysis, buckling modelling
A list of my publications can be obtained here (with downloadable preprints)
Research Gate:
Funded Research Projects
- Numerical analysis and optimization of drug-eluting intravascular devices. Application to stents and balloons design for treating atherosclerosis. (Web Page)
- Development of a computational tool for the study of fluid-solid interactions problems in a cardiovascular framework. Application to the design of a new prototype of antithrombotic filter for vena cava. (Web Page)
- Design and development of a new prototype of an intravascular device (stent) with variable radial force for stenotic lesions of carotid arteries. (Web Page)
- Modeling and simulation of arteries ageing due to atherosclerosis
- Study of the anatomical and histological characteristics and biomechanical properties of the aorta during atheroma plaque growing in a murine model
- Biomaterials for tissue engineering and drugs elution in different clinical applications
- Characterization of cardiovascular diseases by imaging techniques
- Decision Support Software for Orthopaedic Surgery (DESSOS)
- DISHEART:Grid based decision support system for assisting clinical diagnosis and interventions in cardiovascular problems
Advised students
- Javier Bayod. Biomechanical evaluation of total knee prosthesis and study of polyethylene wear. Awarded Ph. D. May 2006 (with prof. M. Doblaré)
- Víctor Alastrué. Some inelastic problems in the modelling of blood vessels. Applications to non-physiological states and vascular surgery. Awarded Ph. D. September 2008, European Doctorate, special doctorate award (with prof. M. Doblaré)
- Javier Martínez. Development of a numerical-experimental methodology as a support tool for the design of systems with presence of thermoplastic-metal reciprocal contacts. Awarded Ph. D. February 2010 (with Dr. M.A. Jiménez )
- Alberto García. Experimental and Numerical Framework for Modelling Vascular Diseases and Medical Devices. Awarded Ph. D. February 2012 (with Dr. E. Peña )
- Myriam Cilla. Mechanical effects on the atheroma plaque appearance, growth and vulnerability. Awarded Ph. D. February 2013, European Doctorate (with Dr. E. Peña )
- Pablo Sáez. On modelling growth and remodeling in soft tissue. Awarded Ph. D. June 2013, European Doctorate (with Dr. E. Peña )
- Marina Nicolás. Modelling of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems for intravascular devices. Awarded Ph. D. Septiember 2015, International Doctorate (with Dr. M. Malvè)
- Juan Antonio Peña Baquedano. Modelado y caracterización de fenómenos inelásticos para tejidos biológicos blandos. Awarded Ph. D. October 2015 (with Dr. E. Peña )
- Octavio Aríñez Bruna. Estudio de puentes de ferrocarril históricos en la Comunidad Autónoma Aragonesa (Study of historical railroad bridges in the Aragon region). February 2016 May (with Dr. M.A. Astiz)
- Javier Escuer Gracia. Diseño y mejora de dispositivos intravasculares recubiertos de fármaco mediante una herramienta computacional. Aplicación al diseño de stent y balones en lesiones estenóticas region. Started May 2015