Director, ESI Group-UZ chair of the National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence.
Mechanical Engineering dept. & Aragon Institue of Engineering Research.
Campus Rio Ebro – Edificio Betancourt. Maria de Luna, s/n 50018-Zaragoza (Spain)
Tel.: +34 876 55 52 53 Fax: +34 976 76 25 78 e-mail: ecueto (at) unizar.es
Latest news
- We have been awarded one of the five international chairs of the Spanish National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence (ENIA). More information can be found here.
- We are hiring again! See here.
- We are hiring! See this post.
- As of August, 1st, 2022, I have been elected a fellow of the International Association of Computational Mechanics, IACM.
- Next March 2021 I will be giving a plenary lecture at the UKACM conference to be held in Loughborough, U.K.
- Honored to be named EAMBES fellow!
- A list of my publications can be obtained [here] (with downloadable preprints).
- ORCID number 0000-0003-1017-4381
- SCOPUS author ID 6603952301
- Google Scholar profile
- Researcher Id A-2452-2010
Latest videos [YouTube channel]
- Abridged CV [link]
Awards and honors
- Juan C. Simo prize. Spanish Society of Numerical Methods in Engineering (SEMNI), Granada, 2005.
- ESAFORM Scientific Prize, European Scientific Association of Material Forming, Glasgow, 2006.
- CETIM Foundation prize. Paris, 2007.
- O. C. Zienkiewicz award. European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS), Vienna, 2012.
- EAMBES fellow. European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering & Science. Slovenia, 2020.
- IACM fellow. International Association of Computational Mechanics. 2022.
Research topics
- Computational Mechanics.
- Meshles methods.
- Numerical simulation of forming processes.
- Computational rheology.
- Model order reduction. Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) methods.
- Computational surgery & real-time simulation
- Data-driven computational mechanics.
- Scientific machine learning.
- Digital & Hybrid Twins. Internet of Robotic Things.
Recent projects
- Physics-informed world models for the development of cognitive digital twins (COGNITWIN)
- Chair of the Spanish National Strategy on AI and sustainability. More details [here].
- Real-time simulation of forming processes by Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) methods.
- In Silico simulation-based engineering for real-time decision making
- Democratizing numerical simulation in engineering and applied sciences
- Data-driven computational mechanics
- Data assimilation for credible engineering simulations (CrediblE)
- Simulated Reality